Collection Preorder Updates

Updated as of 5/13:

Here you will find information about how the preorder production and fulfillment process is going. If you ordered from a preorder, thank you so very much!


All shipping labels have been purchased for Joshua Tree orders. The exception to that is if you requested a delay in shipping or you reside outside of the United States. The majority of international shipping notifications have been emailed. If you reside outside of the United States and have not received a shipping notification, chances are good that FPF emailed you to obtain additional information (usually a phone number for shipping carriers). If the aforementioned information applies to you, please be sure to check your email folders.

All shipping notifications are sent to the email address associated with your order(s). Please keep in mind that it is an automated process and sometimes the email with your tracking info will go to your spam folder.

While shipping labels have been purchased and notifications have gone out, orders are still being packed up and will be dropped off at the post office throughout the week of May 13th. Please allow about a week, or, through May 21st, for your tracking information to update. Thank you!


This collection is now closed. Thank you for all of your orders and support! Colorways are being tallied and yarn is being ordered in preparation for dyeing. A tentative dye/production schedule will be available sometime during the week of May 20th. Be sure to check back here for more information then. Thank you!

- Inga, Owner/Dyer at Fuzzy Peach Fibers